
Have you posted your first entry?

It was easy to create your blog and post the first entry, wasn't it?

Now go ahead and visit other students' blog sites (including ones of other university students!) which you are interested in and leave comments! Links to other students blogs are on the left side.

In the same way, many readers from your own section, other sections, and other universities will visit your page and leave comments (attract many readers!). When you receive a comment, make sure to leave a comment on the comment you got. This way, you will be communicating with other people in the community which you are also in, through Japanese and broaden your network!

Enjoy communication!

5 件のコメント:

ROWA さんのコメント...
ROWA さんのコメント...

せんせい、しつれいします。しつもんが あります。 わたしわ JAPN101クラス(11:00)の ベロニカ リーです。 
How can I link my blog to JAPN class blog?

Sato さんのコメント...


Lavy さんのコメント...

Watashi no blog is on the list now. Arigatoo gozaimasu, sensee! =)

Sato さんのコメント...
